(Please check the calendar or contact the office to see when these activities will resume)
CPC encourages all our people to grow as disciples of Christ throughout their entire lives.
We offer multiple opportunities for Life Long Learning, Bible Study, and fellowship.
Additionally, groups gather for times of shared spiritual life throughout the week.
Please check the Calendar below as we will resume these activities

The Men's Bible Study
The Men's Bible Study meets weekly on Fridays at
8:00 am, engaging in Bible Study or discussing other books of interest.
Now meeting in person contact the office or check out our Calendar for more information.
Spiritual Growth Meeting
This group meets via Zoom on Thursdays at 4:30. Gatherings include learning, sharing, and prayer.
Please contact the office for the zoom link or for more information.

Presbyterian Women
The Presbyterian Women meet monthly to have fellowship and work through the current PW Bible study. They meet on the fourth Tuesday of the month
at 12:30.

Wednesday Night Supper
Everyone is invited to come to the Fellowship Hall the third Wednesday of each month at 5:30 pm for a meal, fellowship and a devotional. Check our Calendar for our next event.
Paused for the winter and will resume during Lent 2025.