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We believe God has created us all with the inclination to serve, each of us with specific gifts and skills for the building up of the church and the demonstration of God's love in the world. 


Serve in our community: Volunteer with one of our local mission partners as a way to love our neighbors here in Redmond. 


There are a lot of volunteer opportunities at CPC. 

Some of these are; Ushering on Sunday mornings, Greeting on Sunday mornings, helping with running the projection or sound system on Sunday mornings and helping in the kitchen. If you would like to find out more about these or other area's please call the Front Desk at the church office 541-548-3367

or email here.


CPC Cares

Throughout the year CPC engages in service projects that serve the larger Redmond community. Check out some of our projects below. 


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CPC Youth

Volunteering with CPC Youth means saying yes to a lot of crazy! From joining in on goofy youth group games and coming along on youth trips as a leader to meeting regularly with teenagers and leading discussions about how God’s word is relevant to our lives, our leaders play a pivotal role in this ministry. If you love Jesus, love teens, and want to walk alongside the next generation during really significant years in their lives, contact Emily Nelson about getting involved!

If you prefer to serve in a background capacity, there are still plenty of ways to volunteer with CPC Youth! Whether it’s providing meals for our weekly gatherings, opening your home for a youth event, or donating paper plates and plastic cutlery, there are lots of ways to be involved! Contact the office if you’re interested.

Please note: all volunteers serving directly with minors are required to pass a background check.

CPC Kids

Our volunteers can be found teaching Sunday school, providing childcare during bible studies, leading kids through crafts, and loving our kids well! If you’d like to get involved as a volunteer with CPC Kids, please contact the office.

Please note: all volunteers serving with minors are required to pass a background check.


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