Gifts to Community Presbyterian Church
Christian stewardship begins with God’s invitation to give. As Christians we believe in the Scriptural principles of generous giving including proportionate giving. We believe that returning to the Lord a portion of the gifts He has given us is a privilege and an appropriate response in all times and circumstances.
Community Presbyterian Church encourages gifts to fulfill its mission and support its ministries, program and goals. The Gift Acceptance Policy provides guidance to both donors and the Church in the acceptance of gifts. This document outlines the process by which donors may benefit the church with present and future gifts, and how those gifts shall be accepted. Please contact the office for more details or a copy of the policy.
Scholarships for High School Seniors
The Scholarship Committee developed a program to award high school seniors scholarships for attendance at universities, colleges, trade or technical schools. Seminary students are also eligible. The applications are available each January (use buttons below for details). Students receive recognition at their high school honor's assembly and at a church service. In 2020 three students received a total of $3,000 in scholarships. Donations from the congregation and church organizations fund the program.
The responsibilities of the Endowment Committee are to consider ways to make charitable giving to the church better known to the congregation and to make recommendations regarding funds to the Finance Team.
The mission of the Memorial Committee is to transform gifts given in memory and honor of loved ones into actions that support the mission of Community Presbyterian Church.