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Community Presbyterian Church participates in God's Mission in the world through three primary initiatives, two local and one global. 











CPC has been faithfully involved with meeting the needs of our poorest neighbors in Redmond since the founding of Jericho Road in 2007. Our members volunteer to serve the meal on Thursday nights, serve on the board of directors and more. 











We have an established and ongoing church to church partnership with a mature and fast-growing parish in Mombasa, Kenya. There is a whole team from our church that meets online with Elders in Kenya regularly, as guided by the Kenya Mission Network


Over the lifetime of this 12 year relationship, we have contributed over $40,000 toward the feeding of school children and the providing of hygiene products for girls. 











Fan advocates are in all our local schools, well positioned to know and care for kids and families. We participate in a jacket, hat and mitten drive each Fall and a shoe drive each Spring. We partner with FAN to meet other needs year-round. 


​Additionally, the CPC Mission Team and many members give generous financial and volunteer support to the following local organizations: Family Kitchen,  Habitat for Humanity, Latino Community Association, Oasis Village, Meals on Wheels, NeighborImpact, Safe Parking, Shepherd's House, Senior Center/Council on Aging, and Warm Springs Presbyterian Church.

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